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Ne bántsd az Erdőt | Klímavédelem | Vállalati zöld projekt | Hatékony CSR
We have a common goal with our partners:

Climate protection
500,000 tons/year
with CO2 sequestration

How is it implemented?

Ne bántsd az Erdőt | Klímavédelem | Vállalati zöld projekt | Hatékony CSR

Who we work with


One of the most effective ways of corporate CSR and carbon footprint compensation is if you help the work of our climate protection plantations! Thus, the annual CO2 sequestration of this area is also your merit.

Motto: focus on protecting existing values.


In addition to companies, we offer environmentally conscious opportunities to the general public and to society in a broader sense. We show how small changes at the level of individuals bring serious results.

You're in good company

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