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Get to know us!

Our future is in the forest!

Ne Bántsd az Erdőt Egyesület (NBAE) provides its partners with a real sustainability solution, in a certified and easily implemented way.

We bind Co2 massively and permanently by regularly planting and continuously caring for a type of wood that is still considered new here. Our scientifically based technologies are the result of the work of recognized professionals and institutions. We offer programs to companies, residents, and society in a broader sense. We are committed to changes as soon as possible, which we strive to implement locally in Hungary.

Our association's goal is made truly lovable by its community-building power.

The Ne Bántsd Az Erdő association was founded in August 2019. Efficiency and sustainability: These motivate the association's projects, and we strive for this in our external collaborations as well. Fortunately, the movements to plant a tree at home, to plant the streets of cities, to pick up garbage in the forest are becoming more and more widespread...

But can we do more than that?!

We have found the solution with which we can greatly reduce the extraction pressure on our mixed forests. We are not only fighting climate change, we are also protecting our native mixed forests. Instead of symptomatic treatment, we strive for a real, sustainable solution.

Our special plantations permanently and massively bind CO2 and at the same time protect native forests from exploitation and thus further help in the fight against climate change.

We offer a real solution to a real problem.

That's what it does

Ne bántsd az Erdőt | Klímavédelem | Vállalati zöld projekt | Hatékony CSR

Tree planting is a little different

If the goal is long-term and massive CO2 sequestration, it is no longer enough to "just plant" trees. Their optimal development must also be taken care of properly!

Ne bántsd az Erdőt | Klímavédelem | Vállalati zöld projekt | Hatékony CSR

Companies are truly green

It is not only green in its communication, but also a real CO2 sequestration project in domestic implementation. With a scientific and technological background.

Ne bántsd az Erdőt | Klímavédelem | Vállalati zöld projekt | Hatékony CSR

Lovely Green Community

Common goal, common language and common values. Our truly colorful and lovable community beats like a "green" heart.


The core

Zsuzsanna Franczia-Pallang


organization. cultural relations

Roland Csanádi

Wood industry manufacturer, expert

Balázs Franczia

Vice President

Wood industry production technician

Károly Szapary

Research development, international relations

Mrs Jolán Horváth Szentamasín

Microbiologist, horticultural engineer

Varna Flower

Social Marketing


A bit

István Gyula

Marketing manager

Dora Ferenczi

Organizational development, secretary

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